Blog Posts

The City That Faith Built


Wichita Falls

Wichita Falls, Texas located in North Texas, along the Red River is home to Sheppard Airforce Base, and Texas Governor Greg Abbott. Blue collared workers are the foundation of the economy and population in Wichita Falls. This area of Texas is still home to generations of families to the original pioneers.

The slogan “The City That Faith Built” has been associated with the Tornado of 1979 but in reality it earned the slogan some 100 years ago. Stories of old have not been forgotten and are still told. The vibe of everyone knows everyone is prevelant. The people themselves are wonderful but something dark hovers over the city.

Scandalous Behavior

When the righteous flourish, the people rejoice; but when the wicked are in power, the people groan.

Proverbs 29:2

 Wichita Falls has had its share of local scandals over the past few years with leaders in the community. The culprits are from ISDs, local governmental bodies, and the wealthy business owners. I suppose that is not much of a surprise in and of itself.

Crimes of the Wealthy

The death of a toddler allegedly caused by a man from one of the wealthiest families in the area. I say allegedly because he is still awaiting trial. The arrest of a man from another wealthy family accused of alleged child trafficking. Followed by the apparent suicide of his father. The accused is currently awaiting trial as well.

School Districts Underfire

Two school districts are under fire for sex and financial scandals of significant proportions. City View ISD has come under investigation following the suicide of a coach. Former students came forward alleging inappropriate sexual behavior, and a supposed cover up within the administration. Citizens were unaware that Wichita Falls ISD was in a financial hole to the tune of about 8 million dollars. Yet that didn’t stop them from bazingly asking to build two new schools. Needles to say the the former superintendent has moved on.

Shenanigans in Local Government

Currently, the County Clerk’s office is under scrutiny with apparent evidence looming that election laws have been violated. Citizens are now seeking an investigation into all involved in election processes. Former City Manager left his position after an arrest concerning marijuana. Although it was rumored he was growing and distributing marijuanna he was charged with possesion. He received one day in jail and left town with a nice little financial package, courtesy of the citizens. On any given day one only needs to spend time around the watercoolers at work, or local bars to hear the lastest gossip of what local officials say behind eachothers back. Yet when it comes to backbone they become spineless creatures, abondoning their districts for selfish gain and for the sake of getting along.

Drug Abuse

Marijuana has certainly become common among all diverse levels of society in Wichita Falls. No longer do people wait to get high after work. Now its common to see people high in Sunday morning church services. If you might be thinking this must be teenagers, think again. Methamphetamine has long been the choice of severe drug addiction in Wichita Falls. Fentanyl has made its appearance causing eighteen deaths to date in 2022. Three of those deaths happened in just one weekend.

Quick Sand

Citizens are most active in complaining about the state of their community and about the wrong doings of officials, yet they themselves allow it. Those involved in the oversight of the city do little more than spend money on unstainable projects and punish the people via taxes for their bad judgements. This behavior has become such a normality in Wichita Falls, that getting out of will be like flat tires on a four wheeler spinning in quick sand.

The Spiritual Fight

The comes to the church first.

The city is gloomy, physically rotting away and just downright dirty. This is reflective of the spiritually lethargic condition of the churches. With a town this size and its historical inheritance from the generation past, one would hope this town would have some churches who are willing to take an open stand. Yet the pastors do not hold leaders accountable.

The church needs to become alive again being able to bring repentance to the city. Openly holding itsef and the local government accountable to the governance of God’s principles is crucial. Hopefully this will usher in a revival in Wichita Falls relieving the slave/master mentality that is so prevalent over the atmosphere there.

There are reports of one pastor who has begun to take a stand in the pulpit and as a result has endured death threats. I pray God keep him safe and bring other leaders to his side. Perhaps the others will take a real stand in the pulpit and find strength to go beyond the walls of the church.

Wichita Falls desperately needs to have an event like the Re-Awaken American Tour or a good old fashion tent revival with the likes of Pastor Greg Locke. It’s time for the spiritual warriors in Christ to rise. Without it “The City That Faith Built” might as well become “The City That Principalities Destroyed”.

When the rigtgeous thrive, the city rejoices, and when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy. By the blessing of the upright a city is built up, but by the mouth of the wicked it is torn down.

Proverbs 11: 10-11

Wichita County Clerk's Office Under Scrutiny


Citizens Want Investigation

Wichita County has had its share of election hiccups when it comes to elections. Election ballots have had missing candidates. Citizens have received ballots for other municiplaities. It appears now election laws may have been violated.

 A group of citizens have visited with the Assistant District Attorney in the Civil Division and are now seeking an investigation into the County Clerk’s office.

Back Story

 While Wichita County went for President Trump in 2020’s election, citizens started to complain on social media about local races and results. Eventually small groups of citizens learned of eachother and would come together to discover many were suspicious of local election results. A video release from Captain Seth Keshel concerning election irregularities is the spark that set the flame afire. The video specifically deals with Wichita County.

In an effort to prove Seth Keshel wrong the citizens started an investigation. What they stumbled across was not what they expected. The most concerning issue found was the WFISD School Bond Election. As it stands now, the evidence they have shows that the bond did not pass. Infact they show more votes than voters

Citizen Probe

Citizens have been trying to obtain all election data from November 2020 for little more than a year now. The County Clerk’s office has not been fully cooperative in providing all data. On August 17th of this year Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton released an opinion known as KP-0411. This opinion solidifies the right of the people to cast vote records, ballots and all other election data.

Immediately following Ken Paxton’s announcement citizens started to request cast vote records and access to the ballots for review. The events that followed would eventually unveil what appears to be willful misconduct and violation of the law. It is important to note that the legal requirement to hold these election records is for 22 months. Electronic Voting System Procedures Advisory (

Citizens started receiving responses for the CVR requests either in email format or via a disc sent in the mail. The responses were oddly enough coming from the District Attorney’s office, even though previous election records had not. {That raises an eyebrow or two}. What they received was not what they asked for. Cumlative reports were provided to the citizens in place of cast vote records. The District Attorney’s office said the County Clerk provided the cumulative reports to them for CVR requests.

The dust has settled and the outcome is not satisfactory. Cast vote records along with other election data were disposed of approximately 8 months ago. While the County Clerk’s office has yet to respond to any other requests directly, the DA’s office has. According to the DA’s office ballots will be made available as soon as the County Clerk has processes and procedures in place. Citizens have little confidence in what the DA’s office has confirmed. The skeptism is understandable considering what has already happened.

What is the Evidence?

There appears to be a collection of documentation in formats from email, video, and audio that will show the County Clerk’s office has been less than compliant and forthright in executing not only election laws but very possibly public information laws of both state and federal guidelines.

Confirms that requested election data is not available.


The current County Clerk announced she would not run for re-election, but that doesn’t hold this office accountable. The voter registration election supervisor claims she didn’t know what cast vote records were. Will she also claim she didn’t know all election data was to remain available for 22 months? I’m not sure how anyone gets a raise without knowing the scope of their job after almost 20 years. Where is the accountability?

The people should be outraged even if these shenanigans are nothing more than poor job performance. A nice retirement on the people’s dime and a pay increase off the backs of the citizens of Wichita County hardly scream accountability.

Anna: Prophetess and Prayer Warrior



The Gospel of Luke talks briefly about a woman known as Anna the prophetess. The few words given tell us that she was old, widowed early and that she was a prayer warrior. Perhaps what he doesn’t say is revealed in what little words he does say about her. If you are intrigued by solving a mystery, Luke chapter 2 verses 36-38 will grab your attention. For me the mystery was like a treasure hunt that lead to a chest of precious gems.

As you may or may not know Luke was a gentile and a physician born in Antioch, Syria. He was not one of the 12 disciples, and never met Yeshua. Luke’s letter gives credence to him being well educated about Jewish teachings and history. The Gospel of Luke, addressed to a man named Theophilus, is written as if his task is to prove the validity of Christ. The lack of details and the details provided by Luke in chapter two leads me to believe that whoever this man was he knew Jewish history.

Anna’s Heritage

There was also a prophet named Hannah Bat-Penuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was a very old woman — she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage.

Luke 2:36

We know from above that Anna was married for 7 years. Although Anna’s husband is not revealed, her genealogy could give us a clue. Anna was from the tribe of Asher. If we read the blessing of Asher by Jacob in Deuteronomy, we discover that the tribe of Asher was more blessed of the sons. The tribe of Asher was given the western slopes and valleys of upper and lower Galilee as an inheritance; they were the 8th tribe of Israel; they were the most financially secure, and their symbol is the olive tree.

Between the scriptures, rabbinical teachings and commentaries, the evidence of the blessing is apparent. The lands given to Asher were very fertile, and they became the leading provider of olive oil in Canaan. Between the scriptures, rabbinical teachings, and commentaries, the evidence of the blessings seem to fall on the women most graciously. The women of Asher were beautiful and desired for marriage among all of the tribes. They would be the most desired among the priests of Israel. The beauty of these women went beyond their outward appearance, making them appealing to the families of the priests. Esteemed for being refined and wise with understanding the importance of the priest’s work, they married men of stature and the high priests.

We would be remis if we overlooked the significance of the names in the Hebrew culture. Anna means favor and grace. The name of her father, Phanuel, means Face of God . It’s interesting to notice that it is related to the place where Jacob wrestled with the Lord. Asher means happy and blessed.

Anna’s Destiny

And remained a widow ever since; now was eighty-four years. She never left the Temple grounds but worshipped there night and day, fasting, and praying Luke 2:37

Luke 2:37

The second temple was equivalent in size to twenty-nine American football fields. Attached to the temple o n the grounds were living quarters; royal chambers; separate courtyards for Gentiles and Jews; worship area; women’s courtyard; cleansing pools; merchant quarters, and the list goes on. I always think of the temple in relation to downtown. It was the center of everything.

Revealing that Anna never left the temple grounds, known as a prophet, and known for her prayer life, certainly gives importance to her. The leaders took the office a prophet very seriously as they are the mouth piece of God. It was so serious, that a false prophet had death as a penalty. I do not believe that Anna was a poor homeless widow on the corner, preaching for coins in a cup. No, she walked in the authority of God, honored by men, and more than likely lived in a home or room on the grounds of the temple. Tragedy struck Anna, and she stepped into her destiny to prepare the people for the announcement of the Messiah.

The Second Temple Grounds

Anna’s Purpose

She came by at that moment and began thanking God and speaking about the child to everyone who was waiting for Jerusalem to be liberated.

Luke 2:38

In previous verses we learn that Simeon had encountered baby Yeshua and his parents at the Temple. As he took the Lord into his arms, he began to give blessings and praises to the Lord for being true to His word. God promised Simeon that he would not pass until he had seen the Messiah with his own eyes. At that moment Anna walked by, and hearing the words it confirmed what she had been praying and fasting for.

I would like to take a detour for a moment and recall to our memories Moses, who was a foreshadow of Christ. The Hebrews considered him to be the long-awaited liberator/redeemer that would lead them out of captivity. It was Serach, the daughter of Asher that would proclaim Moses {according to rabbinical teachings} to be that man God had promised. Like her ancestor before, Anna would proclaim the long-awaited liberator/redeemer Messiah had finally come.

Although it may be conjecture on my part, I would say that Simeon and Anna were the last of the prophets under the old covenant. One lived to see the promised liberating redemption of the Lord, and the other living to proclaim it.

Conclusion: Was Anna a Warrior?

Anna was most definitely a warrior as she fasted and prayed constantly. She knew God’s word, and she knew Him intimately. For 84 years she dedicated herself to knowing God and delivered the word of God to His people. She never gave up and she never gave in. Anna was a beautiful; strong; determined, and tenacious woman who walked in authority.

At a young age she became a widow, and was denied the privileges of motherhood. She took life’s tragedy and allowed God to turn it into a blessing. At the age of 105 she remained to see the hope of Israel born, and vibrant enough to run unto all the people announcing it.

Our purpose in life does not begin at a certain age, and nor does it end with age.

Intro: Women Warriors in the Bible


Looking back into time, I can recall when women were treated as subordinates. History classes, churches, and by fathers in the home impressed those ideas in our minds. The feminist movement taught us the same if truth be told.

Women have been blamed for all the ills in the world back to the days of Adam and Eve. However, history and religious ideology overlook the fact that Adam participated in disobedience and lacked any signs of wisdom. As a matter of fact, he was cowardly when it came to owning up to his disobedience.

The Blame Game

Well into adulthood my brother and I had a conversation about his anger and bitterness with me. Was it because I left him behind when I left home? Perhaps because I didn’t like his wives? Shouting his reply, he said, ” because I always got caught and got into trouble. You never got blamed or into trouble.” Looking at him with hands on my hip, head tilted and perplexed I replied, “ Uhh wait! First, that’s a false exaggeration, and let me see if I understand this. You’re mad at me, because I was smart enough to plan out my disobedience, and you weren’t? How is that my fault?”

Perspective on Feminism

Let me interject that this is in no way an attempt to assert women are above, or the same as men. This is not a man bashing session, and I am not a feminist. The feminist movement hasn’t helped the cause of women. Instead it has destroyed the ability for us to be thankful for how we were created to be in God’s plan.

Women inherently have a heart to serve. Feminist fight against the idea of servitude reducing it down to a shameful status. History and religious ideology give us the impression that servitude is the highest exaltation women will receive. Thus, reducing it down to a shameful status.

Let the Journey Begin

Men and women have different roles to play in God’s theatre of life. There is something wonderful and majestic about being women, mothers, and wives. Join me on a journey as we investigate women in the Bible who were servants; leaders; kind; wise; loving; strong; brave and warriors. We do not need to strive to compete with men or to be like men. A puzzle can’t be put together with duplicates of the same pieces. It will never render the picture in its fullness.

Corrupt Intent


To doing something with the full knowledge that it is illegal.

Disregard for Authority

On October 11, 2021, Governor Abbott of Texas issued an executive order prohibiting the termination of employees over COVID Vaccines. The Executive Order GA 40 prohibits the act of forced vaccine mandates. The order cites that failure to comply will have the maximum punishment under Section 4 1 8. 173 of the Texas Government Code. The code reads as follows: the plan may prescribe a punishment for the offense. It may not prescribe a fine that exceeds $1,000 or confinement in jail for a term that exceeds 180 days.
In December of 2021, United Regional Board of Directors decided it would ignore Executive Order GA 40. Healthcare workers and various hospital staff would find themselves without jobs. We could point out the names of those who are United Regional Board of Directors. For this blog, we will focus on one, Kinley Hegglund the attorney for the City of Wichita Falls.

Hegglund has not denounced the actions of the board, nor has he removed himself. This is a clear indication that he either went along with it, or he has no convictions to do the right thing. I would expect as an officer of the court, he would respect executive orders coming from the highest office in Texas.

Employee Discrimination

The city of Wichita Falls has what is known as a “sick pool” policy. This allows employees to donate their sick time. This provides for those employees who have exhausted their sick leave and need extra time to recover. As is the case with most companies, sick leave is often allowed for children and spouses. The new updated sick leave policy is far beyond discriminatory. It is an overreach into the family, and could be thought of as coercion.

Would there be any doubt that policy changes would ultimately be routed to the legal department for approval? I think not. Examining both the policies and charter of the city, one wonders why council members weren’t notified of a policy change prior to implementation. The lingering question of who really runs Wichita Falls is certainly valid. Is the city getting federal dollars for this maneuver? That remains an unknown, but once again we find Kinley Hegglund in the center of the controversy.

Epic Day

On March 1, 2022, the City Council Meeting had an agenda item concerning roll-off companies operating in Wichita Falls. This topic gained public attention in December after the City Manager, and Director of Public Works approached City Council about illegal business operations in Wichita Falls. To summarize they made accusations that governing regulations from TCEQ, and OSHA were being violated. That has since been proven to be false per those agencies. If that isn’t bad enough, the City Manager, Director of Public Works, and City Attorney claimed that a city ordinance had been violated for more than a decade. The cherry on top came when it was discovered that it was not only known, but allowed. The city is now crying foul but participated in “illegal” activity? What other illegalities are they themselves guilty of?

Citizens filled the chamber room, hallway, and overflow room that morning. Little did they know the epic event they would witness that day. The city leaders made a move to purchase roll-off equipment totaling more that $700,000.00. The attempt of purchasing equipment not in the budget, would be their demise. The plea for funds would come at the attempt to declare an emergency. The so called emergency was that it takes 6 months to actually receive the equipment after purchase.

City leaders were caught off guard by the public lashing. They received a harsh lesson on intent of an emergency declaration. Following many severe blows the city was about to get a TKO. A court ordered injunction was hand delivered during arguments. They were ordered to halt their actions based on the miss use of a declared emergency. I dare say Kinley Hegglund left the ring with a black eye. However, the spectacle of the day was the mayor’s attempt to basically yell forfeit after the final blow. I look forward to the rematch. Grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.


Corrupt Intent is a term applied to doing something with the full knowledge that it is illegal. It is perplexing to know Kinley Hegglund is still serving as legal council. Groupthink is the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that discourages creativity or individual responsibility. Unfortunately this is the illness of Wichita Falls leadership. I wouldn’t expect any of them to do anything about the shenanigans. Hopefully this community will rise to the occasion and take back their city.

The Sea of Forgetfulness



After witnessing some behaviors from local candidates {and their family members} in our local elections, I had a thought. Perhaps this thought is a direct result of reading the letter written by Paul to Philemon this past week. People often say politics brings the worst out in people. Unfortunately the body of Christ is not exempt from displaying such offenses.

Prior to Repentance

Do you remember life before you decided to follow the Lord? Have you struggled with a past of wrong doings? Did it haunt you in your daily life? Did it haunt those quiet moments alone in your own thoughts? Have you known anyone weighed down by sin, guilt and shame? Have you ever been in a place of darkness without hope; brought to your knees in tearful anguish?

I recall instances in my life when the heaviness of sin was just too much to deal with. The offenses of my youth impacted my life in the natural and spiritual, bringing regret. Sometimes the feeling of a life ruined can be the result of regret, leaving us with low self worth.

That Moment

Often the hardest part of coming to God and asking Him to have control over your life is our pasts. It is hard to comprehend the love of God. It’s the kind of love that forgive us and provides a clean start. Maybe we sit in church and hear the pastor talking about forgiveness. Perhaps we have a family member or friend telling us about God’s forgiveness. It is hard to grasp a new life that God is waiting to give us. That realization literally took me to my knees begging God to forgive me. As tears fall from our eyes, and heaviness lifts from our hearts, all of heaven rejoices. It is a game changer for all of eternity.

Conduct Unbecoming

For I am afraid of coming and finding you not the way I want you to be, and also of not being found the way you want me to be. I am afraid of finding quarreling and jealousy, anger and rivalry, slander and gossip, arrogance, and disorder.

{2 Corinthians 12:20}

This week I read a comment that disturbed me, written by the wife of a local political candidate. The effort to secure her husband’s election at any cost was shocking. Allow me to elaborate. The task of ruining a reputation over a mistake, made as a juvenile was in full force. Reading the comments, it’s evident that others are now being falsely accused of a cover up. These are the consequences of manipulation and gossip. This situation is damaging to the core principle of the Bible. There is no justification in exploiting past sins of our brother and sisters. It mocks the finished work of Christ on the cross, and God’s grace in repentance. The most grievous of the act is that a person may be struggling right now, witnessing this condemnation.

Final Thought

Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. 

{Ephesians 4:25}

If God forgives and forgets, who are we not to? I would not want to be responsible for such a thing, as it could have eternal consequences. I pray that her husband stands in his authority of the household, and has her do the right thing. We are in a time where it is critical that we begin to unite, and stop being thirsty for the demise of those we will spend eternity with. God is calling us to prepare for His return, and we must be found without spot or wrinkle. Will we stumble in our journey with Yeshua? Yes we will, but we must quicken our hearts to the things God, and get about His business.

Gray Hair


As I sat this morning drinking my coffee, I began to ponder on the things that needed attention today. I grabbed one of my braids and the thought of making this a shampoo day occurred to me. Immediately Proverbs 16:31 came to my thoughts as they began to drift.

The Memories

My mind recalled an old dressing table. Looking into the mirror was the reflection of my great grandmother, Willie. Sitting on the bench in my pink gown she began to brush my hair. I had very thick and long hair; with bundles of tangles. She was always gentle brushing my hair. Never did a tear fall from eyes, or a shout of pain from my mouth. Once she was done I would jump on the edge of her bed, watching and waiting.

She would sit at the dressing table; with silver hair wrapped around her head like a crown, and dressed in a white gown ready for bed . As she reached up to remove her hair pins, a braid from each side of her head would fall. With anticipation I would watch as the dismantled braids became wavy streams of hair; draping below the bench. The wait was over, and it was my turn to brush her hair.


I delayed posting this blog for a few days because it seemed pointless. It’s just like God take the time to deal with what we consider to be small things in our lives. Let me explain: I have very dark brown, wavy hair that extends to just below my waist. I cringe at the thought of what color my hair would be if I did not color my roots. My mind associates gray hair with all the bad that comes with age. Becoming old turns my imaginations to things like being useless, alone, sickness, death, and just simply boring. Needless to say the Lord had a fear He wanted to deal with.

The Lesson

In the book of Timothy, Paul gives credit to Lois for the kind of man Timothy is. Lois, a Jewish follower of Yeshua, was his grandmother. She is often seen as an example of how grandmothers can build a Godly heritage.

Let us not forget about the story of Anna in Luke. This was a widow of purpose who prophesied of Jesus at the temple. This amazing woman at the age of 105 years was strong, driven, steadfast, and dare I say feisty.


God does not toss us aside as we grow old. I would imagine that the older we get the more intimate we will become in our relationship with God. If we are willing to continue the fight and press forward, the adventures are yet to come. I suspect when I’m laid to rest, my head will have a braided crown of gray hair.

The Generation Gap


What do you think about the generation gap? Do the following phrases sound familiar to you? ‘She doesn’t get it.’; ‘I’m never going to be like her.’; ‘Things have changed.’; ‘We didn’t act like that.’; and the list goes on. I could say that my mom and I could not be more different, just as my daughter and I could not be more different; but are we? I could say that the times I grew up in were different than theirs; but was it really?

Let’s Investigate

My mother is 72 years of age, and she became a mother at 17 years old. She is calm and speaks softly; forgiving; easily wounded; self-denying; nonjudgmental; wise; not openly opinionated; steadfast and unshakable; a woman of longsuffering, faith and prayer; conservative in thought, practice and deed. My mother will search a matter out to her satisfaction, observe and keep silent. As a matter of fact, those attributes make her appear to be naïve to others; that perception is both deceptive and dangerous.                                                                                                                                                      

Currently 55 years of age, I became a mother at 20 years old. I do not speak loudly but do not consider myself “soft spoken. Talking is not my pass time and verbal communication is as stressful to me as people are. My physical expressions naturally convey my thoughts and feelings. I’m not easily a captive of persuasion. Compassionate, not easily wounded, and but for God’s intervention via rebuke forgiveness does not come easy. Punishment for staring and being nosy was not uncommon as a child. Perhaps we could call that observant and investigative. Conservative in practice and deed, but in thought I’m more libertarian in that we will all stand accountable before God. So, if you want to act a fool by, all means enjoy yourself.    

 My daughter is 35 years of age, and she became a mother at 19 years old. She is outwardly beautiful beyond measure, and like a chameleon she easily adapts to social environments as long as they do not revolve around Christian settings. Her intellectual ability to converse can cause even the highly educated wanting for a Thesaurus. She is investigative and observant to a degree but lacks wisdom. Her emotions vastly lean toward quick anger, or a heart so wounded that forgiveness becomes a series of hurdles on a winding obstacle course. She is over reactive; judgmental; acutely opinionated; short sighted; liberal but narrow minded. If you are one that she can tolerate she incredibly fun and pleasant to be around, kind and giving.


While I dare not speak for all women, I would imagine that many of us at one point in our youth had the thought that our mothers just didn’t “get it”. However, is that true? Reflecting on the things above I can see that there are a couple of things in common that binds us. We each started motherhood at young ages, so our generational gap isn’t that wide. We are all strong women, but our level of faith or the lack thereof have shaped our perceptions. Perhaps personalities are a combination of what comes natural to us and our experiences.


So how do we bridge that gap to understand each other as women, mothers, daughters, sisters, cousins? How do we as women of all ages learn to honor, respect, and communicate, and learn from each other? The answer is so simple; we only need to look to what God has to say about it.

I would hope that you find the time to read the entire chapter of the scriptures provided above; they are thought provoking. I would encourage you to bind the scriptures to your memory. Meditate, learn, and them, understand them so they become useful arsenal the next time you battle on your knees for your family. From my observation the “generational gap” isn’t just a myth, but a battle of division that the enemy of God seeks to use so he can cause division among the family.