Jael’s Commentary on News and Alerts.

* All commentary is strictly Jael’s opinion

Click Photos for links to stories.

Ballot Issues Again in Wichita Falls, Texas

Once again Wichita Falls has a candidate missing from a ballot. Well, Wichita County Clerk can add this one to the increasing list of candidates who have lost votes.  Residents have complained about candidates at each level of service missing from ballots. I suppose the JP office can be added to the list along with mayor, city councilman, and school board. 

Fortifying Free and Fair Elections

The Remnant must participate in the election process beyond the ballot box.  Voting is a duty we have towards our Constitutional Repulic.  It is an obligation we have to the covenant made between our founding fathers and God.  Fortifying free and fair elections is our responsibility.  Poll workers, election judges, and inspectors are crucial to secure fairness. In In Texas it is easy and compensated. Click the photo for a link to more information on how to be involved.

San Angelo Residents Take Charge

San Angelo citizens are fighting to make their city a sanctuary city for the unborn. They have done everything required to do so and now suspect the mayor of violating the Texas Open Meetings Act via backroom discussions. As a result they have hired an attorney out of Houston. This is what the Remnant looks like! No  more will we be silenced. We will fight for God’s principles legally and advance on the battlefield of prayer. If God be for us, who can be against us? Pray for the remnant soldiers in San Angelo, Texas.

Update: San Angelo, Texas Citizens vs Mayor

In a previous commentary we noted that the citizens of San Angelo, Texas had obtained an attorney to file against the mayor for violation of TOMA. Tension has increased, after a pro-life committee met every Charter requirement to bring the new Sanctuary City Ordinance to the agenda for the May election was not honored by the council. On March 1, 2022, City Council refused to approve the ordinance. Councilman Harry Thomas was the first to explain his decision, ” Bottom line we have fifty people in the room today, give or take a few. Fifty people should not make a decision of hundred thousand people in San Angelo.” Three other council member and the mayor then expressed this sentiment. The ordinance will up for vote on the November ballot for the citizens to decide 

Church Attendance Down

Local pastors were interviewed in April of 2022 concerning low church attendance. After watching the interviews all I could do was sit in silence and sigh. Two factors are portrayed as the culprits, COVID and culture. Perhaps if the church would stop handing out sugar coated sermons to a decaying community these issues would be mute.Church decline is the result of the church being silent and complicit in a culture celebrating blatant acts against God. Perhaps the church needs to pour salt in the decay to kill the infection that lurks in the shadows of sin. Church leaders hiding behind masks like faithless zombies allowe the church doors to be closed during COVID. I don’t know about you, but I want my pastor firm in faith proving strong enough to face the giants. To make matter worse was the reason people should go back to church. One pastor said, “I just want to invite people, man get to your church, support your church. When you’re not there, you’re missed and if people don’t show up, the churches will have to close their doors” . The church should be more concerned about people getting into church so that they can be reconciled back to God through the remdemptive power of Jesus’ sacrifice. Worry about that, and the church doors will never close.  {Click the icon for full interview}

       Countdown to Mid-Term Elections

          Do your part by voting and then rest easy while God does His part.

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