Intro: Women Warriors in the Bible

Intro: Women Warriors in the Bible


Looking back into time, I can recall when women were treated as subordinates. History classes, churches, and by fathers in the home impressed those ideas in our minds. The feminist movement taught us the same if truth be told.

Women have been blamed for all the ills in the world back to the days of Adam and Eve. However, history and religious ideology overlook the fact that Adam participated in disobedience and lacked any signs of wisdom. As a matter of fact, he was cowardly when it came to owning up to his disobedience.

The Blame Game

Well into adulthood my brother and I had a conversation about his anger and bitterness with me. Was it because I left him behind when I left home? Perhaps because I didn’t like his wives? Shouting his reply, he said, ” because I always got caught and got into trouble. You never got blamed or into trouble.” Looking at him with hands on my hip, head tilted and perplexed I replied, “ Uhh wait! First, that’s a false exaggeration, and let me see if I understand this. You’re mad at me, because I was smart enough to plan out my disobedience, and you weren’t? How is that my fault?”

Perspective on Feminism

Let me interject that this is in no way an attempt to assert women are above, or the same as men. This is not a man bashing session, and I am not a feminist. The feminist movement hasn’t helped the cause of women. Instead it has destroyed the ability for us to be thankful for how we were created to be in God’s plan.

Women inherently have a heart to serve. Feminist fight against the idea of servitude reducing it down to a shameful status. History and religious ideology give us the impression that servitude is the highest exaltation women will receive. Thus, reducing it down to a shameful status.

Let the Journey Begin

Men and women have different roles to play in God’s theatre of life. There is something wonderful and majestic about being women, mothers, and wives. Join me on a journey as we investigate women in the Bible who were servants; leaders; kind; wise; loving; strong; brave and warriors. We do not need to strive to compete with men or to be like men. A puzzle can’t be put together with duplicates of the same pieces. It will never render the picture in its fullness.